
Life Cycle Management Conference 2025 – Palermo, Italy

Conference Theme: From Global to Local – Methods, Tools and Best Practices for an Efficient and Effective Sustainable Transition

The Life Cycle Management Conference 2025 (LCM 2025) will be held in Palermo, Italy, from 9th to 12th September, 2025. We invite industry professionals, policy makers and researchers to submit proposals for engaging and informative sessions that explore the conference theme.

Collaboration is Key

LCM 2025 prioritizes collaboration between industry and academia. We encourage proposals for sessions developed jointly by industry representatives and researchers. This collaboration will ensure a practical and insightful exploration of life cycle management (LCM) methods, tools, and best practices.

Example of Possible Topics

We welcome sessions that address various aspects of LCM, with a focus on the theme of transitioning towards sustainability on a global and local scale.

Here are some potential areas of exploration:

  • Global Sustainability Challenges and Local Solutions: Explore how global sustainability challenges can be addressed through the implementation of LCM practices at the local level as well as global level.
  • Innovative Tools and Methodologies: Showcase cutting-edge tools and methodologies that are driving progress in LCM implementation.
  • Sector-Specific Applications: Discuss the application of LCM principles in specific sectors, such as manufacturing, construction, energy, Automotive etc. 
  • Data Management and Transparency: Address the importance of data management and transparency in effective LCM implementation.
  • Policy and Regulatory Frameworks: Explore the role of policy and regulatory frameworks in promoting the adoption of LCM practices.
  • Case Studies and Best Practices: Share successful case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of LCM in achieving sustainability goals.

Submission Guidelines

Proposals should be submitted electronically by 16th September 2024 to .

Please include the following information: 

  • Session title
  • Authors and affiliations (including industry and academic representatives)
  • Session abstract (300 words maximum)
  • Learning objectives for the session
  • Keywords 
  • Session Format (e.g. Panel discussion, 12 minutes presentations)

We look forward to receiving your session proposals!

For further information, please use one of the contact below: