Show your engagement and leadership in Life Cycle Management
Get involved in LCM 2025!
Contact us for more information!
All prices shown are excluding VAT
Platinum Sponsor
- One exhibition booth strategically situated in the venue
- Prominent acknowledgement in the conference program
- Logo of your organization placed in the conference website, conference program and the venue banner
- Logo of your company on material promoting the conference
- Prominent acknowledgement in the closing ceremony
- A position for a Keynote Speech at the Plenary Session
- One brochure inserted in the conference bag (provided by sponsor)
- Conference registration for 5 people
Gold Sponsor
- One exhibition booth strategically situated in the venue
- Prominent acknowledgement in the conference program
- Logo of your organization placed in the conference website, conference program and the venue banner
- Logo of your company on material promoting the conference
- Prominent acknowledgement in the closing ceremony
- One brochure inserted in the conference bag (provided by sponsor)
- Conference registration for 4 people
Silver Sponsor
Excluding exibition booth €8.000 – Including exibition booth €10.000
- Prominent acknowledgement in the conference program
- Logo of your organization placed in the conference website and program
- Acknowledgement in the closing ceremony
- Conference registration for 3 people
- Upon request, exhibition booth space will be allocated
Bronze Sponsor
- Logo of your organization placed in the conference website and program
- Acknowledgement in the closing ceremony
- Conference registration for 2 people